Boston Asian International Music Festival is back!
Since 2021, this free summer concert series wows with local, up-and-coming talent that concertgoers are already bragging about how they witnessed it “back when”. It had attracted ~5,000 live viewers and over 60,000 online viewers last year. The festival is a production of New Moon International, organized by the Chinese American Association of Lexington, Belmont Chinese American Association, Weston Westar, Acton Chinese Association, and the Boston International Media.
The four-night music series with a goal to bring excitement and acknowledgment to music created by Asian artists and foster collaborations. The festival features some of the finest local musicians. You can enjoy music from different genres by a multitude of POC artists from top music institutes. Pack a picnic, arrive early to get a spot near the performers, and enjoy, as the sun sets, the best musical concert experience of your summer this year in Boston.
For this event, we’ve invited singers and instrumentalists of different ethnicities of Asia from India to Korea and China to give us wonderful performances!
Visitor's Center at 1875 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA 02420
If you missed out on attending our latest festival and can't wait a whole year to experience some of it, you can relive our latest festival through videos and media articles linked below!
7月30日莱镇的Hasting Park;
7月31日牛顿的Hyde Community center;
8月1日贝镇的Payson park;
Music is the natural common language to open up conversations and communications; and people are hungry for the in-person live gathering after more than a year’s isolation. New Moon International proposed a Summer Music Festival that will unite the communities through music and communications, which was well supported by CAAL, BCAA, WeStar and Boston International Media; and joint-handedly, the 5 organizations are commited to co-organize the First Boston Asian International Music Festival in 2021 with below times and places-
The festival will happen between 6pm to 8pm on each day at these three locations.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2019, it has spread rapidly and vastly across the globe. People were forced to stay home, and all human interactions occurring virtually online became the new norm. During the many months when people were isolated from the communities, the human minds were changing rapidly as well, causing splits and divisions. Discriminations against Asians start to happen as the American Asian community became the scapegoat when they were unfairly associated with the COVID-19 virus. On March 16, 2021, a series of mass shootings that occurred in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia shocked the whole Asian American community and the violence against Asians has assumed an unwelcome spotlight during the pandemic. Many groups marched in cities throughout the U.S. to protest and call a stop to the fast-spreading hate against the Asians, including the Bostonians who voiced their requests in the media. In addition to these activities, we would like to propose a solution to the discrimination from its root, that we would promote communications among the diverse communities through education and culture exchange, in order to achieve mutual understandings, fair rights and a true respect and equality for the Asian community.
由致力于推动社区文化交流的“新月国际传媒”牵头,与莱镇华协、新英格兰联盟一起联手50家亚裔组织在波士顿common策划举办了“4.11将亚裔历史写入美国K12 课本”的倡导活动,受到了美国主流媒体的关注,近10家当地媒体到场进行了报道与直播,收到了很好的社会反响。为了将这一影响持续深入地推广下去,各社区华协在5-6月的亚裔文化宣传月中,又集资分别向各镇的图书馆、学校捐赠了相关亚裔历史的图书,希望以此增进公立学校对亚裔文化和历史的了解。
New Moon International Media Inc., whose mission is to promote culture exchanges among communities, co-organized the April 11th Rally in Boston Common to support the proposal to add Asian American history in K-12 curriculum, together with NECAA (New England Chinese-American Alliance), CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington), leading over 50 other organizations to participate in the rally. The mainstream media reported on this event, with 10 broadcasters present during the rally and many more ripple effects throughout the society. As a continued effort, many American Chinese associations throughout Massachusetts donated books about Asian history to public libraries and schools during May 2021, to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and encourage more understandings of Asian culture and history.
In the meantime, we know the changes will not be overnight with just one or two events. A better understanding of the Chinese culture is long overdue in the United States as the American people have limited visibility into the current China, especially the tremendous changes that occurred in China in the past 40 years. The New Moon International performed research on the existing Chinese community cultural events, and our conclusion is that the key issue lies in the cultural and communication differences, which are causing misinterpretations among the Americans toward the essence of Asian culture, especially the Chinese culture. Based on this insight, the New Moon International is proposing a Summer Music Festival that will unite the communities through music and communications. Music is the natural common language to open up conversations and communications; and people are hungry for the in-person live gathering after more than a year’s isolation. The festival strives to connect families in the beautiful summer nights through beautiful music performances.
当我们把这个活动策划想法跟莱镇华协、贝镇华协、WeStar及波士顿国际传媒沟通后,得到了他们的积极响应,于是“2021首届波士顿亚洲国际音乐艺术节”应运而生。以上是我们策划这次音乐节的概念和想法目前已经与各社区敲定了场地,分别是:7月30日莱镇的Hasting Park; 7月31日牛顿的Hyde Community center;8月1日贝镇的Payson park; 连续三天,每晚6pm-8pm。
This proposal was well supported by CAAL, BCAA, WeStar and Boston International Media; and joint-handedly, the 5 organizations would like to co-organize the First Boston Asian International Music Festival in 2021. We have confirmed below times and places for the festival-July 30th , at Hasting Park, Lexington, MA;July 31st , at Hyde Community Center, Newton, MA;August 1st, at Payson Park, Belmont, MAThe festival will happen between 6pm to 8pm on each day at these three locations.
The festival will include various performances such as Bel canto, folk songs, pop songs, band and singing groups. We have started orchestrating the performances and anticipate 50 performers and 200 families (1000 people) as audiences on site for each episode, with a total estimate of 3,000 audiences; and 1,500 online audiences for each episode, with a total estimate of 4,500 audiences. To truly showcase the music and artistic talents from the Asian community, we have invited professional singers and bands from the local conservatories as well as youth artists from the local communities. The festival is unique in its form with lots of fun, passions and affectionate atmosphere; and it is the only and biggest outdoor Asian culture event this summer!